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Family and Women's Specialist

Family and Women's Specialist

Family and Women’s Specialists are members of the GMT for a district or multiple district. These specialists serve three-year terms to oversee the growth and participation of women and family members throughout the district or multiple district.


  • Oversee the recruitment of women and family members throughout a three-year term
  • Establish goals for the recruitment of women and family members. 
  • Develop new service projects geared to interest women and family members.
  • Plan and conduct a symposium or family involvement event(s) to address the needs of the community served.
  • Mentor and encourage clubs.

Family and Women's Specialist Resources

Lions Family & Women Symposium Program

As the emphasis on family-friendly Lions clubs and growing women in Lions continues, it is important for clubs to identify relevant service opportunities that will spark the interest of families and women. An excellent avenue for pinpointing these needs is to hold a Family and Women Symposium. The purpose of a Lions Family and Women Symposium is four-fold:

  1. Identify new community projects that are of interest to women and families.
  2. Identify potential members.
  3. Promote Lions clubs within the community.
  4. Charter a new club/club branch to develop the new community project that has been identified.

For details and to apply, download the Family & Women Symposium Planning Guide.

Regional Women's Workshop Program

Working toward the goal of increasing women’s membership is a critical part of expanding Lions overall membership and meeting the growing service challenges in a world that needs Lions help more than ever. To aid Lions locally, Lions Clubs International offers grant funding for a small group of Lions to:

  1. Explore factors surrounding the recruitment and retention of women in their specific part of the world.
  2. Devise strategies for increasing the number of women in Lions clubs.
  3. Create action plans to be implemented by district and multiple districts in their region. 

For details and to apply, download the Lions Regional Women's Workshop Planning Guide.

Program Materials

Additional Resources

For more information and to submit family and women related success stories and projects, contact the Global Membership Team.

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