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Online Course Category: Leadership

Online Course Category: Leadership

Browse through the available course descriptions below. When you find a course you want to take, go to the Course Registration Page.

For course recommendations based on Lions position, click here.

Note: The Lions Learning Center (LLC) is a separate system from WMMR/MyLCI.  To create an account and log into the LLC you will use your Lions Member ID number and create your own Password.

  • Introduction to Lions Leadership: This course defines leadership and shows varied leadership styles and how they can be used. You will assess your leadership style. Five practices of exemplary world leaders are explained and applied. Through matching activities and quizzes, you can check your learning and use it in Lions situations. You will create a personal leadership development plan.
  • Writing Your Personal Mission Statement: Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery! Through a series of introspective activities, you will craft your personal mission statement and learn how to integrate it into your everyday life. You'll also be provided with a model for putting "first things first" and preventing less important tasks from consuming the majority of your time.
  • Creativity: Take this course to refresh your creative skills, practicing creativity through activities during the course. Learn by example how other Lions have used their creativity to plan new projects, support a new Lions club, create new ideas, and foster a positive club environment.
  • Mentoring: This course describes a mentor and a mentee, the characteristics of an effective mentoring relationship and the benefits of mentoring. The Lions Mentoring Program is emphasized in a detailed presentation of the basic and advanced program levels.
  • Promoting Innovation: Sustainable growth and effective service require new ideas and actions. This course provides tips on stimulating creativity and creating an environment that supports innovation in your club.
  • Managing Change: You will learn how to become a change leader by taking this course. Through activities, you will recognize the roles in the change implementation process and the way different people react to change and adopt change. You will use checklists to assess resistance and develop a plan to implement a change that is needed.
  • Servant Leadership: Servant Leadership is an effective leadership philosophy based on one's desire to serve others.  A Servant Leader looks to the needs of the people and asks himself how he can help them to solve problems and to develop new personal skills.  Embark on a journey of self-discovery as you learn about the practice of Servant Leadership through real life scenarios and activities. This course simulates going on a journey driving on a highway, taking exits and stopping occasionally at rest stops for reflection as you progress through the course.

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